Kinga Gál addresses Fundamental Rights Agency conference 2010. 05. 14. Kinga Gál was invited to the symposium entitled “Strengthening the fundamental rights architecture in the EU” organised by the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) in Vienna, on 7th May 2010. The event, focusing on the institutional mechanisms to protect, promote and monitor fundamental rights in the EU, was the first annual symposium of the FRA.
‘Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water’ – we must ensure that ECHR accession strengthens human rights 2010. 05. 06. Yesterday, the European Parliament listened to representatives from the Council and the Commission about the accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). At the plenary debate Kinga Gál MEP (EPP) gave her opinion on behalf of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE).
Elections 2010 – Hungary to join EU fast lane, says Fidesz MEP 2010. 04. 28. Hungary now has the chance to"return to Europe's fast lane," Fidesz MEP Jozsef Szajer, told a news conference in Brussels on Tuesday.
For a Europe of values and prosperity, but without lies. 2010. 04. 20. József Szájer MEP, Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group – "The Commission must exercise its power and not tolerate the misleading conduct and lies from certain countries on the provision of crucial information", declared József Szájer MEP in a debate in the European Parliament today (20.04.10) on the 'Commission legislative and work programme for 2010'. On behalf of the EPP Group, the Hungarian MEP asked that in the coming years the EU2020 program should focus on job creation and support for small and medium sized enterprises.
Hungarian elections: EPP Group congratulates Fidesz on landslide victory 2010. 04. 12. Joseph Daul MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group - The Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament has welcomed the outcome of the first round of Hungarian general elections. "The results clearly shows that, with the leadership of Viktor Orbán and a strong Fidesz government, Hungarian citizens are ready to start a new era, the era of order, success, growth, prosperity and solidarity," said Joseph Daul.
VITAMIN D NUTRITIONAL POLICY IN EUROPE 2010. 03. 25. « If we prevent Vitamin D deficiency and with it possibly diseases, we will actually prevent healthcare costs and reduce the economic burden on our public health systems. » MEP Áder
Former communist secret agent cannot become a member of the European Court of Auditors. 2010. 03. 24. Tamás Deutsch MEP – The EPP Group today decided on a clear position on the nomination of Mr Szabolcs Fazakas for membership of the European Court of Auditors. With a huge majority the EPP Group does not support Mr Szabolcs Fazakas' nomination. As the respective documents clearly prove that Mr Fazakas voluntarily joined the Hungarian Secret Service during the communist dictatorship and worked for more than 13 years as a secret agent, it is against basic European democratic values to have him appointed to any high-level EU position. Moreover Mr Fazakas tried to mislead MEPs in the Budgetary Control Committee by withholding and denying this information.
Young graduates to benefit from increased dialogue between universities and businesses. 2010. 03. 23. Pál Schmitt MEP, Vice President of the European Parliament – A report on university-business dialogue was adopted today in the Committee on Culture and Education in the European Parliament in Brussels. Hungarian Rapporteur, Pál Schmitt MEP, pointed out that the main goal of the report is to reinforce cooperation between business and higher education institutions in order to facilitate the inclusion of young graduates in a fast-changing working environment.
Belarus: Conditionality is a rule that must govern future EU-Belarus relations 2010. 03. 12. The European Parliament has underlined its will to lead an open and structured dialogue with Belarus, but only on the condition that the democratisation of the country leads to concrete results and will reflect respect for human rights and democratic principles", said Jacek Saryusz-Wolski MEP, Head of the Polish Delegation of the EPP Group.