Employment Guidelines: decisive actions necessary to foster employment. Csaba Őry MEP 2010. 07. 15. The Employment and Social Affairs Committee (EMPL) of the European Parliament today adopted the Őry Report on the 2010 Employment Guidelines for the Member States by an overwhelming majority. "In order to overcome the economic crisis and increase employment levels in Europe, coherent and decisive action should be taken by the Member States", said Csaba Őry MEP. The Rapporteur, who is also the EPP Group Coordinator of the EMPL Committee, considers it a big success as there were 294 amendments tabled by other Members to his Report, which shows an enormous interest from all sides.
External Action Service given go-ahead 2010. 07. 08. The European Parliament adopted today the first report on the establishment of the European External Action Service based on inter-institutional agreement. The debate between the Parliament, the Committee, the Council and Ms Catherine Ashton, the High Representative for Foreign Affairs on the formation of the new diplomatic corps of the European Union has been an issue since the Treaty of Lisbon came into force. To get the European External Action Service up and running this year is in Hungary`s interests in the opinion of MEPs Mrs Kinga Gál and Mr György Schöpflin (Fidesz).
Restrictions to minority language broadcasting, new endangered language resolution 2010. 07. 08. The Intergroup for Traditional Minorities, National Communities and Languages led by Kinga Gal (Fidesz – EPP) met in Strasbourg on Thursday (8/7) to discuss problems facing minority language broadcasting and the regional languages in France, plus a new draft resolution on endangered languages.
Joseph Daul MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group, congratulates Pál Schmitt on his election as the President of Hungary 2010. 06. 29. On behalf of the EPP Group, I would like to cordially congratulate you on your election as President of the Hungarian Republic.
Combating poverty not only by words, but by action 2010. 06. 24. Press release of Lívia Járóka - The Belgian Information Office of the European Parliament as well as the Hungarian and Belgian Anti-Poverty Network organized a charity cooking in Brussels on the occasion of the European Year of Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion. As one of the hosts of the event, Lívia Járóka Hungarian MEP (European People's Party Group) spoke of the necessity of applying realistic statistical indicators and developing those lagging behind micro-regions that are invisible to current EU data collection.
The impact of the Charter of Fundamental Rights – Kinga Gál MEP leads Parliamentary hearing 2010. 06. 22. The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) of the European Parliament held a two-day hearing on the impact of the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The conference, led by Kinga Gál MEP (EPP) and Juan Fernando López Aguilar (S&D), welcomed Commissioner Viviane Reding as well as a range of experts and NGOs.
Intergroup welcomes Morten Kjaerum, Director of the Fundamental Rights Agency 2010. 06. 18. The European Parliament’s Intergroup for Traditional Minorities, National Communities and Languages, led by Kinga Gál MEP (EPP), hosted a meeting with the Director of the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), Morten Kjaerum, on Thursday in Strasbourg.
The first report on minorities was presented in the EP 2010. 06. 18. Press release of Kinga GÁL - The European Parliament’s Intergroup for Traditional Minorities, National Communities and Languages, led by Kinga Gál MEP (EPP Group), hosted a meeting with the Director of the Fundamental Rights Agency, Morten Kjaerum, in Strasbourg, where the first report on minorities was presented.
With clear objectives against the discrimination of women 2010. 06. 16. Lívia Járóka's press release - The European Parliament held a debate on the new EU Roadmap for gender equality at the plenary session in Strasbourg. In her speech Lívia Járóka MEP, vice-chair of the EP's Women's Rights and Gender Equality Committee and shadow-rapporteur of the new Roadmap urged the economic empowerment of women as well as combating multiple discrimination.