Kinga Gál calls for better residence conditions for nationals of non-EU countries 2010. 03. 11. According to Kinga Gál MEP (EPP), for nationals of third countries in the neighbouring countries of the European Union, amongst them a hundred thousand members of the Transcarpathian and Vojvodinan Hungarian minority, there is a real need to be able to reside legally, without bureaucratic and administrative problems, in the European Union.
Support is Needed for Daily Papers in Minority and Regional Languages 2010. 03. 09. The Intergroup for Traditional Minorities, National Communities and Languages – led by Mrs Kinga GÁL MEP – held a special meeting in Brussels (March 3rd) to meet the representatives of the European Association of Daily Newspapers in Minority and Regional Languages (MIDAS).
The Minority Intergroup issues statement on Belarus and the Polish national minority 2010. 03. 01. Following recent events in Belarus where the Polish national minority organisation the Union of Poles was banned, coupled with numerous arrests and fines, the Intergroup issued the joint statement below.
EPP Group Bureau meeting, Budapest 4-5 March: Time for jobs and growth. 2010. 02. 27. The EPP Group will hold its next Bureau meeting in Budapest on 4-5 March. The meeting will discuss several aspects of the EU's economic, social and cohesion policies. The Bureau meeting will be opened by Joseph Daul MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group, Pál Schmitt MEP, Vice-President of the European Parliament, and József Szájer MEP, Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group.
Memorial Day for the Victims of Communism in Hungary 2010. 02. 25. Joseph Daul MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group, Fidesz EPP MEPs – On the occasion of the Memorial Day for the Victims of Communism in Hungary (25 February), Joseph Daul MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, and the Fidesz Members of the EPP Group will pay homage to those who were deprived of their lives and personal freedom by the totalitarian communist regimes of the past century in Hungary and beyond.
Microenterprises and Social Inclusion: Aid becomes reality 2010. 02. 12. Traian Ungureanu MEP and Csaba Őry MEP – The efforts of the EPP Group have led to a new opening in the fight for social inclusion and against unemployment. Today, 11 February 2010, is the starting point of the European Progress Microfinance Facility for Employment and Social Inclusion, as the final vote in the European Parliament took place.
Viviane Reding’s cabinet, EBLUL- challenges for national and linguistic minorities 2010. 02. 12. A packed Intergroup meeting led by Ms Kinga Gál on Thursday (11th February) heard from the Cabinet of the new Commissioner for Justice (Viviane Reding) on the possibilities afforded by the Lisbon Treaty, and Davyth Hicks from the European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages, who repeated the call for the abolition of discrimination against Europe’s national and linguistic minorities.
The EU should be more consistent in defending minority rights in the Ukriane – Kinga Gál 2010. 02. 10. Kinga Gál (Fidesz-EPP), at the plenary of the European Parliament in Strasbourg in the debate over the situation in Ukraine, called attention to defects in minority rights, focusing on Hungarian and use of the mother tongue.
Towards a fair European tax policy 2010. 02. 10. Press Release of MEP Enikő Győri – The Report "Promoting good governance in tax matters" was accepted by the European Parliament at today's plenary session. As a result of this adoption, the current poor level of tax recovery ratio on cross border business activities - 5% - will be significantly boosted.