Conference on the Middle Eastern Christian Minority 2011. 11. 30. The EPP Group in the European Parliament organised a conference on the Inter-Religious Dialogue, the central theme being Christian minority grievances in the Middle-East.
“Every right is worth only as much as it can be observed or enforced” 2011. 11. 29. With the leadership of Zoltán Kántor the newly formed National Policy Research Institute officially started its operation. The Institute's first public activity was the organisation of an international conference titled 'Legal Aid in Practice'. This subject is in line with the second Orbán Government's national policy approach.
Controversy over the Olivér Boldoghy case 2011. 11. 23. The Hungarian EPP Delegation has roundly condemned that Olivér Boldoghy has had his Slovak citizenship taken away against his will by the Slovak authorities. The decision is inconsistent with European values and principles. The Fidesz EP Delegation has said that it will stand up to protect civil rights by all possible means.
Hungarian medical education in Transylvania debated in Strasbourg 2011. 11. 17. The minority intergroup chaired by Kinga Gál MEP welcomed one of the Professors of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Targu Mures to Strasbourg.
European Youth Charlemagne Prize 2012 2011. 11. 14. ´´The European Charlemagne Youth Prize´´ aims to encourage the development of European consciousness among young people, as well as their participation in European integration projects.
14th EPP Interreligious Dialogue, Esztergom, Hungary 2011. 11. 11. During the last day of the 14th EPP Interreligious Dialogue held in Esztergom, Hungary Kinga Gál MEP (Fidesz-EPP) has also given a speech in a panel on challenges and opportunities in the field of the collaboration between churches and politians.
Jerzy Buzek at the meeting of the Subcommittee on Human Rights 2011. 11. 10. At the beginning of November, the Human Rights Subcommittee (DROI) of the EP invited Jerzy Buzek, the President of the European Parliament one of its meetings. The President's commitment to human rights is outstanding. He met the members of the DROI to discuss the issues related to human rights both at the start and also at the end of his mandate.
The Hungarian National Council of Serbia and Sámi Youth met the Intergroup 2011. 10. 27. The guests of October's Minorty Intergroup meeting were the representatives of the Hungarian Naional Council of Serbia and the organisation of Sámi Youth.
Gál Kinga MEP stands up against child pornography 2011. 10. 26. During the closing debate on the EU Directive on Child Pornography Prevention Kinga Gál MEP (Fidesz-EPP) highlighted: "Now, it is the member states' turn to act as soon as possible as child pornography is taking its victims in a wider range than ever".