Kinga Gál was re-elected committee Vice-Chair 2012. 01. 23. Pursuant to the rules of the European Parliament, all elected offices, i.e. President, Vice-President, Quaestor, and Committee Chair and Vice-Chair are renewed every two and half. On 23rd January 2012 Ms Kinga Gál MEP (Fidesz-EPP) was reelected the first Vice-Chair of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE).
Remarks on the debate on Hungary 2012. 01. 20. Lívia Járóka MEP - I was shocked to hear in the debate this week on the situation in Hungary that some of my colleagues used the situation of Roma in a manipulative way stating that Roma live in fear in Hungary and that they blame the Fidesz government for that.
Intergroup discusses the Commission’s ‘Erasmus for All’ proposals 2012. 01. 19. The Intergroup for Traditional Minorities, National Communities and Languages led by Kinga Gál MEP heard about the new initiatives from the Commission for languages with the Erasmus for All programme, with Mrs Gál launching a new book about the activities and issues raised in the Intergroup since 2009.
Strasbourg: debate on the situation in Hungary in the European Parliament 2012. 01. 19. The situation in Hungary was debated at the European Parliament’s plenary session in Strasbourg on Wednesday afternoon. The debate reinforced the assumption that Hungary is a victim of the application of double standards and unfounded rumours emphasized by the left wing.
Slovak – Hungarian dual citizenship controversy discussed in the European Parliament 2011. 12. 15. Olivér Boldoghy spoke to the Intergroup today about how he has had his Slovak citizenship taken away after he applied to have dual citizenship as a Hungarian. Officially he now finds himself designated as a foreigner in his own country with little in the way of rights and health cover.
New milestone in the EU’s regulation over the jurisdiction 2011. 12. 13. On 13th December 2011 the European Parliament adopted two new decisions at the plenary session in Strasbourg, which make the EU judicial system for accessible for the citizens.
Serbia votes for the Rehabilitation Act 2011. 12. 05. "We all welcome the decision of Belgrade over the vote in favour for the Rehabilitation Act, which had been accepted by the Serbian Parliament as the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians had recommended. This is the achievement of István Pásztor and the Hungarian community in Vojvodina ", stated Kinga Gál and György Schöpflin MEPs (Fidesz EPP).
Cross-Border commitment regarding the case of Olivér Boldoghy 2011. 12. 01. Five members of the Hungarian EPP Group; Kinga Gál (Fidesz) Hungary, Edit Bauer and Alajos Mészáros from Slovakia, László Tőkés and Csaba Sógor from Romania, raised the Olivér Boldoghy case during the one minute speeches in the Plenary Session of the European Parliament. For MEPs the situation is unacceptable and goes against European values.
Financing instrument for development cooperation: Parliament endorses new legislation 2011. 12. 01. Today the European Parliament adopted the newly-revised measures governing the distribution of EU development aid. Kinga Gál MEP was the rapporteur for the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights.