2011. 11. 11.
During today's meeting Kinga Gál MEP (Fidesz EPP) noted the importance of the collaboration between decision-makers, churches and civil society. The EPP politician emphasized in her speech: "For our generation the difference between right and wrong has always been clear but nowadays the values have become relative, moreover, for the generation of our children uncertainty has become decisive. Guidelines are needed and we, politicians belonging to the European People's Party together with the churches and the civil society have to provide guidelines for the future generation." According to Kinga Gál, the work of Csaba Böjte, Transylvanian Franciscan monk and János Székely, Auxiliary Bishop of Esztergom-Budapest stand as excellent examples. Thanks to their work the parishes are filled with life, they exemplify how the churches should find a common voice with the youths. Kinga Gál, in her speech noted that the European People's Party has to stand up for such traditional values like family, faith, responsibility and respect to one another.
At the end of the conference a Declaration was adopted. The Esztergom Declaration draws attention to the reinterpretation of such values like human dignity, family life, solidarity and the protection of the environment. According to the Declaration, strengthening and reinterpreting the people's religious and cultural identity, moreover, emphasizing that the importance of the support of the family and social security are indispensable. The Declaration also draws attention to the importance of personal responsibility and points out the necessity to supervise the lifestyle of the today's societies.