Gál Kinga MEP stands up against child pornography
2011. 10. 26.
On Wednesday, the European Commission declared the adoption of the Directive that the Parliament confirmed by voting in favour of it on Thursday.
Kinga Gál who herself is a mother of four children, in her speech welcomed that the EU finally stands up against the most serious form of crime on community level. The child pornography and sexual abuse of children with the help of the internet can sneak in, even to the safest believed rooms of the children. The MEP emphasised the work of both Roberta Angelilli MEP (EPP), the rapporteur and also the work of the Hungarian Presidency which managed to close the every substantive point of the negotiations during the first half of the year.
"I can only hope that the member states will start to build in the Directive into national legislations forthwith. There is no time to waste as the child pornography takes its victims in a wider range than public perception would possibly think." – emphasized the politician.
Kinga Gál highlighted that in this important fight all initiatives targeting the illegal paedophile content websites are vital, searching for persons or organisations behind them who are either directly or indirectly involved in these crimes.
Finally, the MEP also emphasized that we cannot lie back, because the continuously changing and new technologies raise new challenges. "The child safety has to be kept a central issue in every member state. We have to continue to take care of our children!" – finished her speech Kinga Gál.