Chemical plants will become safer in the EU – EP prerogatives safeguarded in Seveso. 2012. 03. 29. "From June 2015, chemical plants working with hazardous substances will become safer in the EU. Yesterday, the European Parliament and the Council concluded a First Reading Agreement on the revision of the Directive on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances (Seveso III). The Directive covers about 10,000 industrial players all over the EU. Within the new legislative framework, high-level safety standards will continue to be ensured, but in some specific fields, the Regulation will become even stronger", highlighted János Áder MEP, EPP Group Rapporteur of the Seveso Report.
Serbian Enlargement Report adopted by the European Parliament. 2012. 03. 29. On the occasion of the adoption of the Enlargement Report for Serbia in the European Parliament's plenary, EPP Group Spokesman, György Schöpflin MEP, said: "I welcome all the achievements made by the country to date, however, the road to EU membership will be long, at times difficult. After achieving candidate status on 1 March 2012, Serbia needs to meet all the benchmarks and continue the reform process in order to get the date to start the EU accession negotiations. At the same time, Serbia is in the middle of a political campaign, heading towards the elections on 6 May 2012. Hence this Report can serve as a guide for the next Serbian Government in its stance towards Europe", pointed out György Schöpflin MEP.
International Roma Day in the EP 2012. 03. 28. Yesterday evening the Bulgarian EPP Group Delegation organized a celebration in the European Parliament honouring the International Roma Day. MEP Lívia Járóka, a host of the event spoke about celebrating Roma culture, paying tribute to the centuries-long common history of Roma and non-Roma, and underlined the necessity of effectively implementing the European Framework for National Roma Inclusion Strategies.
The Issues Raised in the European Parliament’s Minority Intergroup (2009-2011) 2012. 03. 21. In January 2011 the European Parliament's Minority Intergroup elected new chairmanship in line with the rules of the Parliament. The former EPP Co-Chair of the Intergroup, Ms Kinga Gál MEP in close collaboration with the Secretariat of the Intergroup issued a book on the issues raised during the meetings of the Intergroup during her two and a half year long chairmanship.
The question of national minorities is not a Hungarian, but a European issue 2012. 03. 21. The Pro Minoritate Foundation and the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs co-organized the event where Kinga GÁL MEP's new book was presented by Zsolt Németh, Under-secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Budapest. The book reviews the work of the European Parliament's Intergroup for Traditional Minorities in the last 2,5 years with a thematic approach.
International Women’s Day: Gender pay-gap must be eliminated 2012. 03. 14. Today, EPP Group MEP Lívia Járóka took part in the working breakfast for members of the EP Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality to celebrate the 101st International Women's Day with the participation European Commission President José Manuel Barroso and Vice-President Viviane Reding.
Hungary under the political attack by the European left 2012. 03. 05. European Parliament Magazine article by Kinga Gál MEP (EPP), Vice-Chairwoman of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE) of the European Parliament.
Mr Swoboda should put his own house in order first 2012. 02. 23. Press Release by the Hungarian EPP Group Delegation – The Hungarian EPP Group Delegation calls on Hannes Swoboda to refrain from giving advice to the Hungarian Government and to other political groups. By enormously indebting Hungary between the years 2002-2010, it is the previous Socialist-Liberal Governments’ failed economic policy that has led Hungary into a difficult financial situation. Mr. Swoboda was not worrying that time. Also, Mr Swoboda's Group was not worrying about the state of Hungarian democracy when real violations of human rights happened during the governance of his Socialists colleagues. Mr Swoboda's concerns are not credible, we ask him therefore to put his own house in order first before giving advice.
MEP Lívia Járóka called on Commissioner Reding to enforce EU law and Commissioner Kroes to respect the facts 2012. 02. 16. EPP Group MEP Lívia Járóka met EC Vice-President Viviane Reding to discuss the national implementation of the EU's framework strategy on Roma inclusion and drew her attention to the hateful billboard-campaign of the Slovakian National Party. Earlier this week Járóka wrote a letter to Neelie Kroes EU Commissioner on Digital Agenda concerning her statements during the European Parliament's committee hearing on the situation in Hungary.