Talent pool – Support of talents on European level 2013. 01. 23. In times of crises when economical resources are constrained, other resources should be utilized more effectively to address the problems and challenges that our societies are facing. Such a resource is talent - a natural resource that can be found in any state. Therefore finding gifted people and the development of their talents is in direct interest of any state and Europe as a whole. Talent support does not mean elitism or elite support in the word's wrong sense, but the possibility to discover talented people in all segments of society regardless of age or background.
Youth Guarantee: youth unemployment must be tackled but doubts on financing remain 2013. 01. 16. "The EPP Group welcomes the so-called 'Youth Guarantee' proposed by the European Commission. This tool could be a major step in the fight against the alarming levels of youth unemployment in the European Union. However, reservations still remain about the financing of the proposed instrument", said Csaba Őry MEP, EPP Group Coordinator in the Employment and Social Affairs Committee of the European Parliament.
The Tobin case once again in Strasbourg 2013. 01. 16. In her written contribution to the plenary debate on the Irish Presidency programme, HU MEP Kinga GÁL (EPP) asked the Irish Prime Minister to help closing the Tobin case lawfully and in a fair way for both sides.
New development in the case of the Medical University of Targu-Mures 2012. 12. 18. Prof. Attila Brassai won the lawsuit against the Medical University of Targu-Mures, who was admonished in March by the leaders of the University for absence of loyalty. As it is known, the Hungarian Professor presented the case of the Hungarian language department of the Medical University of Targu-Mures during the meeting of the Minority Intergroup chaired by Kinga Gál MEP in November 2011.
New initiatives for the success of national Roma inclusion strategies 2012. 12. 18. The European Parliament's Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee held an exchange of views with Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission today. Hungarian EPP Group MEP Lívia Járóka asked the Commissioner about the revision of the 2000/43 race directive and the assessment of national Roma inclusion strategies.
Protection of fundamental rights must not be a victim of ideological debate. 2012. 12. 12. The EPP Group today voted against the Flašíková Beňová Report on fundamental rights. In contrast to the more balanced and objective alternative Resolution tabled by the EPP Group, the adopted Report goes beyond the remit of the Lisbon Treaty, disregards the sovereignty of Member States and goes against the fundamental values and principles the EPP Group firmly believes in. The EPP Group condemns the Liberals and the Left-wing groups who are continuously putting their ideology into the fight for fundamental and human rights. Party politics in this field must come to an end", said EPP Group MEPs Kinga Gál and Manfred Weber after the vote.
Protection of fundamental rights must not be a victim of ideological debate 2012. 12. 12. The EPP Group today voted against the Flašíková Beňová Report on fundamental rights. In contrast to the more balanced and objective alternative Resolution tabled by the EPP Group, the adopted Report goes beyond the remit of the Lisbon Treaty, disregards the sovereignty of Member States and goes against the fundamental values and principles the EPP Group firmly believes in. The EPP Group condemns the Liberals and the Left-wing groups who are continuously putting their ideology into the fight for fundamental and human rights. Party politics in this field must come to an end", said EPP Group MEPs Kinga Gál and Manfred Weber after the vote.
Against stigmatisation on the Human Rights Day 2012. 12. 10. MEP Kinga GÁL (EPP) reminded that Human Rights Day is celebrated on10 December and added that every action that violates, outrages or puts in danger the human rights or human dignity of any person, is unacceptable.
Reconciliation: The Foundation of the Prosperous Future 2012. 12. 04. On an international conference today, MEPs from several Member States with other experts unanimously agreed that reconciliation is a key issue in contemporary Europe. "Be it between nations or between different visions of history like future and past, reconciliation - the efforts to find peace that welcomes everybody and allows fruitful dialogue - is a key pillar of the European Union" - pointed out EP Vice-President László Surján who organized the event.