Roma women are the most vulnerable 2013. 03. 12. José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission welcomed members of the European Parliament's Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality at a working breakfast in Strasbourg. MEP Lívia Járóka spoke about the situation of marginalized women and the objectives of her upcoming report on the social inclusion of Roma women.
International Women’s Day: Seminar on the effects of economic crisis on women 2013. 03. 08. The European Office of the Oslo Region organizes a seminar to celebrate the International Women's Day in Brussels. At the event titled 'Equal suffrage and women’s opportunities in today’s Europe' MEP Lívia Járóka holds a keynote speech on the European economic crisis from a gender perspective as well as the prospects of the social inclusion of the most disadvantaged women.
Report on the Fundamental rights in Hungary – 4th Working Document 2013. 03. 07. The Committee for Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs of the European Parliament (LIBE) discussed on its last meeting the fourth working document preceeding the report on the situation of fundamental rights in Hungary. Kinga Gál MEP, first vice-chair of the committee pointed out that there were various misunderstandings and misleading information that need to be clarified.
Fellow workers of the Szent Ferenc Foundation in Brussels 2013. 03. 04. Forty fellow workers of the Szent Ferenc Foundation established by Franciscan brother Csaba Böjte from Transylvania, Romania took part on a three-day trip to Brussels on the invitation of Kinga Gál MEP.
First sign language training course held in the EP 2013. 02. 28. Following the adoption of the Report on the mobility and inclusion of people with disabilities covering the years between 2010 and 2020, and in response to the European Commission's Disability Strategy in 2011, Ádám Kósa, Chairman of the EP Disability Intergroup and the only deaf and sign language user Member of the European Parliament, attended the first-ever sign language pilot training course in the European Parliament today.
Question to the Commission on measures to tackle youth unemployment 2013. 02. 27. Kinga Gál MEP along with several other Members of the European Palriament addressed a question to the European Commission regarding measures to tackle youth emplyment. In its answer the Commission enshrined the initiatives and programs in the field.
The status of the Hungarians in Vojvodina has to be continuously monitored 2013. 02. 07. The European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) voted on the Serbia-report today. György Schöpflin shadow-rapporteur and Kinga Gál MEP see it as a breakthrough, that their amendments were adopted with a great majority. Because of this success, many actual problems of the Hungarians in Vojvodina became part of the report with great emphasis.
EU Employment Guidelines for 2013 adopted 2013. 02. 06. "Today, the European Parliament gave a clear signal to Member States' governments that they have to make further commitments to ensure the implementation of the EU2020 Strategy, with special focus on job creation and stimulating growth. It is regretful that in the European debate on employment policy, there is still a lack of reference to the disadvantaged people, people with disabilities in particular", said Csaba Őry MEP, EPP Group Coordinator in the Employment and Social Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, and Ádám Kósa MEP, EPP Group Spokesman on the dossier and the only deaf Member of the European Parliament, following the adoption of a Resolution on the 2013 Employment Guidelines. These guidelines endorse the original 2010 Employment Guidelines.
Social inclusion is essential for economic recovery 2013. 02. 06. The European Parliament held a debate on the preparations for the upcoming meeting of the European Council. In her speech MEP Lívia Járóka highlighted the potential of social inclusion policies to drive competitiveness and growth and urged Member States to consider social inclusion as an essential part of their strategies for growth and consolidation.