Hate crime investigations should become more effective 2012. 11. 29. The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights launched its report entitled "Making hate crime visible in the European Union: acknowledging victims' rights" at a panel discussion in the European Parliament. In her speech MEP Lívia Járóka drew the attention to the phenomena of under-reporting and under-recording hate crimes against minorities and urged the introduction of specialized trainings for concerned officials as well as the stronger involvement of NGOs.
Spirit of the Merciful Samaritan: Catholic congregations play an inevitable role in humanitarian and social work 2012. 11. 28. László Surján, Vice-President of the European Parliament hosted a conference titled "Finding the Spirit of the Merciful Samaritan" yesterday in Brussels on the humanitarian and social work of Catholic congregations. In their speeches the participants showed how important role the Catholic congregations are playing throughout the world in taking care of the most vulnerable members of our society.
Roma Holocaust: We must reject hatred 2012. 11. 26. The European Roma Information Office organized a conference titled 'Learning from the past: the Roma Holocaust' in Brussels. In her speech MEP Lívia Járóka urged to draw the consequences of history and to effectively implement the EU Framework for National Roma Inclusion Strategies as well as welcomed that the German government had opened a memorial for Roma victims in Berlin.
The film ‘Just the wind’ is a significant contribution to the struggle for the Roma social inclusion 2012. 11. 22. 'Just the Wind', Silver Bear-winning and LUX Prize nominated film of Bence Fliegauf was played on a festive screening ceremony yesterday evening in Strasbourg. On the following discussion MEP Lívia Járóka emphasized that the film with its powerful artistic means drew attention to serious social problems thus contributed significantly to the struggle for the social inclusion of Roma.
EP Resolution on Climate Change: Central and Eastern European contributions are not respected 2012. 11. 22. Several EPP Group Members of Central and Eastern European Member States expressed their concerns about the EP resolution on the forthcoming Climate Conference to be held in Doha next week. The MEPs believe that it is unacceptable not to respect the former contributions in reducing CO2 emission these countries have made. By prohibiting to carry-over their emission units, they would be deprived of significant amount of resources and investment to green economy
Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing: EU Institutions easing communication for millions. Ádám Kósa MEP and Werner Kuhn MEP 2012. 11. 21. Today, a plan for a pilot project aimed at easing the lives of one million deaf and tens of millions of hard-of-hearing sign language users in Europe was presented in Strasbourg by EPP Group MEPs Ádám Kósa and Werner Kuhn and Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, Viviane Reding. The proposed project plans to launch the basis of a platform, an independent and free IT application to help these people communicate with the EU Institutions.
One minute speech on children and future generation 2012. 11. 20. Kinga GÁL MEP during the one minute speeches in Strsabourg on Monday talked about the problem of high unemployment rate among the youth.
“It is our duty to protect women, children and national minorities” 2012. 11. 15. A two-day seminar entitled "The protection of human rights and the situation of women and children in the Western Balkans" was held in the European Parliament in Brussels where the Lívia Járóka MEP participated as the chair of the event and Kinga Gál MEP as a guest speaker.