New development in the case of the Medical University of Targu-Mures
2012. 12. 18.
Prof. Attila Brassai was impeached for elaborating a presentation in
The daily newspaper 'Krónika' bolded in its Monday edition, that the – not final – verdict of the Tribunal of Targu-Mures is the first one to condemn the University. According to counsel Előd Kincses, providing Attila Brassai legal representation, the transcribe of the co-chairs of the EP Minority Intergroup Francois Alfonsi and Kinga Gál that objected to the University's anti-minority practice and drew attention to the respect of European values played an important role in the case.
Attila Brassai – member of the Bolyai Initiative Committee for foundation of an independent, state-financed University to provide education in Hungarian – received the decision with moderate optimism. There is some change in the mood because of an agreement reached between the University's Romanian and Hungarian leaders, but "the old reflexes are still among us", he said.
A sharp conflict emerged at the Medical University of Targu-Mures in 2011, between the University's Romanian leadership and the Hungarian section of it, as the University referring to its autonomy had no intention to evaluate the new prescription of the Education Act of utmost importance for the Hungarian side. This conflict contributed to the fall of the right-wing Ungureanu-government in May 2012.
Negotiations began in the presence of PM Victor Ponta between the Romanian leadership of the University and the Hungarian professors in September 2012. As a result of these negotiations a compromise of seven articles was reached and adopted by both sides.