
Question to the Commission on measures to tackle youth unemployment

Question to the Commission on measures to tackle youth unemployment

2013. 02. 27.


Answer given by Mr Andor on behalf of the Commission

The Youth Employment Package(1) announced by President Barroso was adopted on 5 December 2012. In this package, the Commission presented its analysis, its strategy and an update on the implementation of the Youth Opportunity Initiative(2), EU-level actions as well as 28 country-fiches with information on mobilisation or reprogramming of EU funds, in particular for the eight countries targeted in February 2012.

About EUR 16 billion of EU financing has been targeted for accelerated delivery or reallocation through this initiative so far, with at least 780 000 young people and 55 000 SMEs likely to benefit(3). These relate to re-programming which has already taken place, a limited number of further requests for reprogramming have recently been submitted, notably by Spain and Italy and are awaiting Commission decision.

The Commission consulted the stakeholders including the European Youth Forum. Consultations at national level were left to Member States. Extensive consultations with young people on youth employment were held under the Structured Dialogue between young people and policy-makers in 2010-2011, the results of which fed into the Commission's work in this area(4).

The Parliament debated the Youth Guarantee and adopted a resolution supporting it in January. Negotiations in the Council on the Youth Guarantee have started with a view to the adoption of the recommendation in February 2013.

For the Quality Framework for Traineeships, the Commission is currently seeking the views of social partners under Article 154 TFEU. Replies to the April 2012 open consultation are accessible on DG Employment website(5).


(1) COM(2012) 727-728-729 final of 5 December 2012.
(2) COM(2011) 933 of 20 December 2011.
(3) These latest figures are based on the actual reallocation implemented by Member States.