Visa-free travel for Serbia – a new chance for the kin-state and the Hungarian minority in Serbia 2009. 11. 12. The European Parliament is voting today on the issue of visa-liberalization for three states of the Western Balkans. After the Parliament's resolution, the decision of the Council of the end of November will grant free-visa travel to Serbia, Montenegro and to The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Kinga Gál, Member of the European Parliament of Fidesz-delegation emphasized in the plenary session that the granting of free-visa travel is not only a technical question, but evidently a political issue as well. Visa-liberalization is based on mutual confidence and mutual engagements.
We still need to stand up for our human and fundamental rights 2009. 11. 12. Kinga Gál, MEP expressed in her one-minute speech in the plenary session: "Two decades have passed since the collapse of the Berlin Wall, the divide of the Iron Curtain, and the first opening of gaps in the barbed-wire fence that split Europe."
Hungarian President László Sólyom was refused entry into Slovakia – the European Commission answers Kinga Gál 2009. 11. 06. Article 18 of the EC Treaty stipulates that every citizen of the Union shall have the right to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States, subject to the limitations and conditions laid down in this Treaty and by the measures adopted to give it effect. The respective limitations and conditions are to be found in Directive 2004/38/EC.
The amended State Language Law of the Slovak Republic 2009. 10. 15. The State Language Law of the Slovak Republic and the question by Kinga Gál and Edit Bauer on behalf of the PPE Group to the Commission, will be discussed in the Parliament’s plenary session in November. The PPE supports the proposal by Kinga Gál and Edit Bauer.
Discrimination against national minorities in Slovakia – Written Question and Answer 2009. 10. 06. The amended State Language Act of Slovakia discriminates against national minorities. Kinga Gál, in a written question to the Commission, calls upon the EU to intervene. The question and the answer given by the Commission can be read in this article.
Hungarian President László Sólyom was refused entry into Slovakia – the European Council answers Kinga Gál 2009. 10. 01. Hungarian President László Sólyom was recently refused entry into Slovakia. In response, Kinga Gál MEP addressed an oral question to the Council. The answer below, which was written by the Presidency and is not binding on either the Council or its members as such, was not presented orally at Question Time to the Council.
Kinga Gál at FUEN’s 60th Jubilee Congress 2009. 09. 29. “We are living diversity” - FUEN concluded at its jubilee congress in Brussels. With a celebration in the Committee of the Regions and a public meeting of the “European Dialogue Forum” in the European Parliament as highlights of a full and diverse programme, FUEN can look back positively to its jubilee congress that took place in Brussels from 29 September until 2 October 2009. FUEN was founded 60 years ago in Versailles.
Public Hearing on the need to establish a Representation for Future Generations in the European Union 2008. 09. 17. On the date of 17/09/2008, Mrs Kinga Gál (MEP – EPP ED) organized a public hearing on the issue of the Representation for Future Generations. Among the main topics of the discussion there were representational, environmental and EU level challenges matters.
Sixth General Assembly of the European Network of Councils for the Judiciary 2008. 05. 23. Kinga Gal MEP gave speech on the occasion of the Sixth General Assembly of the European Network of Councils for the Judiciary taken in Budapest, 21-23 May 2008.