Kinga Gál at FUEN’s 60th Jubilee Congress
2009. 09. 29.
About 200 guests from more than 30 European countries participated in the programme which celebrated the anniversary of the largest umbrella organisation for autochthonous minorities in Europe. During the course of its existence, FUEN has become a respected partner for governments and parliaments in many states of Europe and in European and international institutions through its consistent adherence to democracy and rights, its unwavering work for better protection for ethnic groups, and its stance for peaceful dialogue.
The European Dialogue Forum, which was jointly established by FUEN and the European Parliament, held a session in the European Parliament in the presence of 150 delegates and guests. The chair of the Intergroup for National Minorities, Kinga Gál MEP, underlined the significance of cooperation with FUEN which was set up to give minorities a voice in the European Parliament.