The EP’s Minority Intergroup has been re-established
2020. 01. 30.
The European Parliament’s Minority Intergroup held its opening session today in Brussels. Fidesz MEP Kinga Gál has been unanimously elected as the Co-Chairwoman for the fourth five-year term. Along with MEP Gál, EPP Group MEP Lóránt Vincze (RMDSZ) from Transylvania and French Green MEP Francois Alfonsi from Corsica will serve as Co-Chairmen.
The Minority Intergroup ensures unified EP actions for the protection of traditional national and linguistic minorities. According to the rules of procedure, intergroups have to be re-established at the start of each parliamentary term.
“I made it my personal mission that one of the Parliament’s longest-standing and most active intergroups shall continue its work. As a result of grave struggle, we managed to garner the necessary support: 42 MEPs from 18 Member States will be part of the intergroup. From a Hungarian perspective, the work of the Minority Intergroup bears great importance as it provides an opportunity for the leaders and experts of Hungarian communities beyond our borders to present the situation of their communities personally, the problems and challenges they face on a daily basis: mother tongue education, minority language media and language use,” Kinga Gál said following the session.