2010. 12. 03.
The Chairman of the principal European parliamentary group in the European parliament stressed that the priorities of the Hungarian presidency are dictated by European events: the Euro crisis and budgetary challenges.
"With me, Viktor Orban wants the European Union to face the difficulties of the moment with a sense of responsibility – and thus having the courage to reform society – and a spirit of unity".
"The very meaning of European integration is at stake, and the EPP, heir of the Fathers of Europe and in leading positions throughout Europe, must punch its full weight so that the 27 comes out on top of this delicate phase of its history", declared Joseph Daul.
Beyond the technical aspects of the Hungarian Presidency priorities – governance and revision of the Treaty, growth and employment, water and energy – the Hungarian Presidency wants to highlight the human and personal dimension of European integration. "I can only agree with this desire, because in the end, it is not only the leaders, but the whole population, the 500 million Europeans who will ensure that their countries overcome the crisis successfully. This is not said often enough", concluded Joseph Daul.
(Translation from the original French)