Hearing on the case of Hedviga Žáková-Malinová in the European Parliament
2013. 04. 23.
The case of Hedviga Žáková-Malinová has been ongoing for more than 6 years with continuous abuses of fundamental rights of the victim and her systematic threatening by the authorities. As a latest development she has been summoned for an extended psychiatric examination and psychological check with the possibility of hospitalisation at a mental institution. The examination – that she should present herself for on 30 April 2013 – would examine her mental state back on 25 August 2006 in spite of the fact that an international colloquium of psychiatrist gathered from five countries stated that "from health point of view further psychiatric and clinical psychological assessment in the context of criminal proceedings is considered to be unjustified, unethical and could represent significant risk for relapse of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. The participants of the expert panel registered their considerable concern that there are clear indications of the abuse of psychiatry (…) in this case".
It is unacceptable that Hedviga Žáková-Malinová still has not been recompensed as a victim; moreover, the Slovakian Prosecutor's Office has been conducting a procedure against her for almost 7 years in spite of concerns raised by civilians, various experts and human rights organisations.
"The case long ago exceeded the category of breach of minority rights. This is a clear violation of the fundamental rights of a European citizen that the European Union cannot leave without a word" – underlined MEP Edit Bauer (MKP) from Slovakia. "In the EU where protection of human rights is high on the agenda, it is impossible to tolerate the use of such a method by the Slovak justice system" – she added.
"The case of Hedviga Žáková-Malinová at this point is a human right case in which her most fundamental rights are violated by being summoned to extended psychiatric examination in a mental institute without any justification. This is completely unacceptable and it goes against all existing European norms and EU practices. Therefore, it is a clear task for European Institutions to stand up against this" – stated MEP King Gál (Fidesz) after the hearing.
EPP Group MEPs Edit Bauer and Kinga Gál turned to Commissioner Reding in a letter requesting her attention and support in this case so that the respect of the fundamental rights of Ms Hedviga Žáková-Malinová would be guaranteed.