
Corruption in Third Countries

Corruption in Third Countries

2013. 10. 08.

"Corruption doesn't know borders and it is present everywhere – in every country regardless of economic development and in all levels of society. Although surveys show that most of the EU Member States rank among the least corruptly perceived countries in the world, there is a lot to do in and outside our borders.
It is difficult to shape the mentality of the whole society especially the older generations who sometimes do not even perceive corruption as a negative thing as this is a "normal" part of their everyday life. However, nearly fifth of the world's population is aged between 15 and 24 years. They are the future generation who have the potential to stop corruption both as citizens and as future leaders.
The first public institution that young people experience is school – the place where their views, values and responsibilities are shaped. However, the schools can only educate a society free of corruption if they are free of corruption themselves. The Transparency International's 2013 Global Corruption Barometer shows that almost one of five people worldwide paid bribes to education services during this year. This is a warning sign, we all need to stand up and fight against corruption."