Focus on the safety of Europe’s external borders
2015. 12. 15.
The European Commission proposed the establishment of a deployable ad-hoc European Border and Coast Guard on the external borders. In the debate following the announcement, MEP Kinga Gál welcomed the Commission's new proposal package of focusing on the protection of the external borders. "It has become clear what the Hungarian Government has said in August: we will not be able to solve the migration problem until our external borders aren't secured. This is also a condition of protecting the Schengen system, the European Union's greatest achievement."
According to the MEP, protecting the Schengen borders should be the Member States' primary duty and responsibility. "We can only maintain the region without internal borders until the external borders are secured. It was this that led the Visegrád Four to the decision when they committed themselves to protecting the external borders."- said Kinga Gal.
Kinga Gál has expressed her following view: "Proposals that strengthen external borders and make them more efficient, are welcomed. Specific action and innovative solutions are needed as soon as possible." However, the EPP urged the use of caution and vigilance when working out the details regarding the sensitive issue of the Member State's sovereignty.