
Development aid distribution: European Parliament’s co-legislator role strengthened

Development aid distribution: European Parliament’s co-legislator role strengthened

2011. 02. 04.

Gay Mitchell MEP is the Joint Coordinator of the Development Committee for the EPP Group and the Parliament's Rapporteur for the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI).
Gay Mitchell believes it is imperative that decisions made at EU level in this area are democratic. "One of the main intentions of the Lisbon Treaty was to enhance the democratic legitimacy and accountability towards the European citizens of our institutions. This decision will help to further shrink the democratic deficit in the institutional decision-making processes, by giving the Parliament the same legislative and control powers that the Council already enjoys. "
"This particular report is based on the financing instruments for aid distribution in the promotion of democracy and human rights in the developing world. Of the 2.2 billion children in the world, 600 million are victims of extreme poverty. We must not forget our goal to eradicate poverty."
Kinga Gál MEP is Rapporteur on the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR).
Kinga Gál MEP said the Parliament wishes to use its right for democratic scrutiny. In relation to the EIDHR, this scrutiny – i.e. the right to be practically involved in the formulation and adoption of the Multi-annual Indicative Programs would have a special importance, in promoting human rights, fundamental freedoms and democracy worldwide in regions where they are most at risk.
Furthermore it supports human rights activists, children and women. The beneficiaries of the program are local civil society organisations, which gives a further emphasis to the Parliament's argument. "The current Nord-African crises prove the need for an efficient human rights instrument, in which the European Parliament must have a say," Kinga Gál said.