
Sharing information, preventing terror

Sharing information, preventing terror

2016. 06. 08.

In the European Parliament’s debate MEPs highlighted the importance of information exchange in the fight against terrorism. The investigation of the terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels revealed that among the perpetrators several figures were already suspected of involvement with terror groups. Nevertheless, they were able to travel to the Middle East for the purpose of training with the Islamic State and then return to Europe. According to EPP vice-president Kinga Gál, “This fact confirms the lack of information exchange and data tracking among Member States. According to the  counter-terrorism coordinator of the EU, the biggest challenge is the lack of willingness to upload the available data into the data exchange systems.”
The MEP welcomed the establishment of the European Counter-Terrorism Center within the framework of Europol, which serves as an information centre in the European struggle against terrorism. Kinga Gál stressed that “two days ago, the Hungarian Parliament voted to create the Counter Terrorism Information and Criminal Analysis Center (TIBEK), which is responsible for compiling the most comprehensive and up-do-date picture of terrorist and other threats against Hungary. An important step would be to set up similar centres in close cooperation with each other across Europe.”
Kinga Gál stressed that a better exchange of information would help prevent potential terror attacks in the future. To do so, European information systems must be further developed. Member States must cooperate more closely in the field of information transfer, taking advantage of the tools already available.