The winners of the International Hungarian Mathematics Competition visited Brussels
2011. 10. 03.
Zsuzsanna Bősze, one of the participants wrote a short report about their visit:
"The pupils, who had finished on the first or the second place on the 20th International Hungarian Mathematics Competition, won a trip to Brussels. I won a second price so I got also the chance to visit Brussels.
The two-day long trip took place in the beginning of October. Our plane landed on 3rd October in Eindhoven, after that we travelled to Brussels. Firstly, our guide showed us the sights of Brussels which was followed by free time. On the afternoon Kinga Gál MEP welcomed us in the European Parliament, presented her fields of work and showed us the most interesting parts of the EP. After the visita in the EP we had dinner in an intimate restaurant on the main square of the Brussels old town.
On the next morning we visited the most prominent sights of Antwerp, than we had a sightseeing tour in Gent. I regret that we had only short time for this lovely town due to the schedule of our flight back. I am sure that when we landed in Budapest everybody thought about our unforgettable experiences."