
„The Tavares-report is unacceptable”

„The Tavares-report is unacceptable”

2013. 05. 07.

Kinga Gál stated that the document of unusual extent – 31 pages – contains numerous substantially false statements and misinterpretations, and the tone of the text is explicitly insulting to Hungary. According to the MEP, the rapporteur demands in fact the withdrawal of everything by the Hungarian governing party, which has been changed in Hungary since 2010 on the field of constitutionality. „With this report the electoral campaign has been clearly launched and we can see this in its roughest political form”, she remarked.

The MEPs of FIDESZ have also published a press release, in which they claimed the Tavares proposal to be „an attempt to colonize Hungary constitutionally”, „left wing – liberalist political ultimate with no precedent”, which according to them, „gives direct instructions to the Hungarian National Assembly elected by the Hungarian citizens, and intends to place the country under international guardianship”. The Hungarian MEPs of EPP „reject the unjust procedure against Hungary and the double standard imposed on this Members State. The document hold the National Assembly on account for elements that are not claimed by the EP in case of other countries”, the announcement states.

Kinga Gál said she had initiated the suspension of the report in case the similar practices of other Member States are not similarly examined. As a concrete example she pointed out the critical view of the rapporteur on the fact that the Hungarian Constitutional Court cannot judge the amendments of the Constitution contentwise while no such mandate is given to the Constitutional Court elsewhere in the EU. "The double standard is also to be seen in the objections to the Hungarian regulation on recognition of churches", she added.

The MEP group FIDESZ called on the Hungarian S&D MEPs not to support the proposal.

 Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)