2011. 06. 01.
Firstly, Kinga Gál MEP, Vice-Chair of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee, presented the work of this committee. As she told, the most serious topics nowadays are the rights of the refugees and the immigration-related issues. She added: "it is difficult to create common standpoints, because the interests of the member states are different, therefore we can't wait for a swift resolution". A further problem is that this issue is matched with the questions of Schengen. But these topics need to be referred as separatly by the European Union. We should not mix the question of Schengen with the issue of the refugees.
The participants found out that her main field of work is fundamental rights. She was the rapporteur for the accession of the European Union the European Convention of Human Rights. The report was voted in favour with high majority in the European Parliament. "The protection system of fundamental rights in Europe becomes more efficient and stronger by joining the convention." – said Kinga Gál.
After the presentation the participants could ask questions. Mr Imre Juhász, the President of this organization asked whether the issue of the civil control over the law enforcement was on the agenda of the LIBE Committee. He also marked that there are not too many EU member states where such organizations like theirs are working.
Kinga Gál answered that this issue in itself is not on the agenda of the LIBE Committee, but they are always emphasizing the importance of the civil control over the police and the law enforcement related to other dossiers. The European Parliament stresses that the agencies have to keep in touch with such organizations. Imre Juhász mentioned that in the last year Morten Kjaerum, the Director of the European Union Agency of Fundamental Rights visited their organization in Hungary and they agreed on a closer co-operation.
The conversation was followed by Zoltán Bagó MEP's short presentation. After this the group took part on the joint meeting of the Hungarian Parliament's Economical and IT Committee and the EP's Industry, Research and Energy Committee. Finally, the group joined to the meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee.