The European Parliament Takes Leading Role in the Fight against Torture
2014. 03. 10.
"Anyone can be a victim of torture – children or adults, religious or atheists, intellectuals or uneducated. I would like to welcome that the text is referring in detail to the situation of children facing torture and proposes concrete actions to be taken in order to improve their protection.
In this field action by state governments is indispensable. States should develop child-friendly justice systems that empower children not only to assert their rights, but also to report violations. Members States of the EU can play an exemplary role in this field as some of them have already implemented actions plans, adopted or amended relevant laws, developed special websites in order to improve their justice system, to make it more child-friendly.
I would like to welcome furthermore that the text recommends the EEAS and the Commission to pay special attention to individuals belonging to other vulnerable groups such as ethnic, linguistic, religious and other minorities as these particular groups might be exposed more often to torture.
Torture needs to be eradicated globally and "no exceptions from the absolute prohibition of torture can be justified". I hope that this current report will be another step forward in this global struggle and will positively influence EU foreign policy on this issue."