The family is the basis of the Hungarian model
2019. 09. 05.
MEP Kinga Gál said that it was harder to make EP vote for the positive family image year after year. “But it strengthens us to know that it is good to live in a family since it gives us a sense of belonging. Our children can learn to be responsible for one another” she added.
She said that we can observe that a “demographic winter” has come to Europe consisting of the aging society and declining childbearing.
“It is more important than ever to talk about these challenges because we are losing ground. In addition, this situation has a negative impact on economic situation, the pension system and health care” said Kinga Gál, who thinks that two ideas are in competition.
There are those who believe that population decline should be stopped by migration, by creating a clear path for people to migrate. Another idea is to renew the family policy to stop the demographic decline. “We believe in the latter because families are the most fundamental cores of society. This is the basis of the Hungarian model” stressed the MEP.
Article published by Dorka Gabay in Magyar Nemzet Online