
The EU Emergency Travel Document will become safer

2018. 12. 03.

The EP’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) today votes on Kinga Gál’s report on the EU Emergency Travel Document. The People’s Party Rapporteur highlighted that the proposal would make the EU instrument more secure and usable to help vulnerable EU citizens to return home much quicker.

“If an EU citizen gets into trouble outside the territory of the Union and stays without travel documents, the consulate of each Member State has a duty to help them get home. However, the issue of an emergency travel document can only work properly if it is not used for the purpose of organized crime, terrorism or illegal migration. This requires a secure spending system that meets the challenges of the 21st century,” said Kinga Gál. The Fidesz Party rapporteur’s suggestion takes these aspects into consideration. According to the People’s Party politician, “this proposal helps our citizens return to their home country when they are most in need”.