2019. 01. 16.
The European Parliament plenary voted the EU Annual Report on Fundamental Rights. Most of the text is about the extension of migrants’ rights and the related obligations of the Member States, as well as of the rule of law investigations. ,,It is outrageous that while the document devotes seven paragraphs to the “fundamental rights” of illegal migrants, it does not even mention the situation of European national minorities ”- Kinga Gál MEP, vice-president of the LIBE Committee, pointed out.
The report is unacceptable as it extends beyond its authority to encourage Member States to facilitate the release of the so called humanitarian visa for migrants, to establish legal migration routes in Europe, to support the activities of NGO vessels operating in the Mediterranean, which massively transport illegal migrants to Europe. At the same time, condemns those Member States that do not accept illegal migrants on their territory.
The accepted text, that makes the rule of law conditional on the admission of migrants, proves that, according to Brussels, the Member States supporting immigration respect the rule of law and that Member States which are opposed to immigration are not. Thus, the Annual Fundamental Rights Report is no longer about fundamental rights, but has become a means of exerting pressure from the pro migration majority in the European Parliament.