
Report on the situation of human rights in the world in 2012

Report on the situation of human rights in the world in 2012

2013. 12. 10.

‘We could not discuss our annual report on human rights at a better date than on Human Rights Day. First of all I would like to congratulate the rapporteurs: the draft program was already a well-balanced and comprehensive text which gave an excellent basis to our work.
I think when a discussion is about human rights we must focus on the situation of children and young adults of the new member states and third world countries in the first place.
To improve the educational systems is a very important thing we can do. It can also include the bilingual education in some cases. Furthermore, the opening up of exchange programs for young people from third world countries would help to improve the civil society.
I would like to also welcome that the text pays special attention to national minorities. Equality between national minorities and the majority society is necessary on every – social, economic, political and cultural – level.’