
Plans to Take Revenge on Hungary

Plans to Take Revenge on Hungary

2015. 10. 13.

In the debate on migration, only a small minority spoke about following the EU’s existing rules and about how Europe would not be able to manage the migration pressure without the protection of borders. According to MEP Gál, some of Europe’s leaders are losing touch with reality. “I find the malicious and untrue attacks on Hungary unacceptable. Instead, attention should be focused on effectively aiding the real refugees, for example in the large refugee camps located in the Middle East. Those are the real refugees, not the ones who, with pieces of concrete, attack policemen doing their job at the Hungarian green border or start an organized siege at Calais,” the Fidesz MEP emphasized in her statement.

According to Gál, a “responsible tone and actions are needed so that, besides expressing solidarity, we can protect the external borders of the Union, make everybody abide by the rules of the EU and honestly express that we cannot accept everybody, otherwise we are not going to be able to help the ones in real need.”

MEP Gál, who is vice president of the Committee of Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), considers the anti-Hungary initiatives of the committee a planned act of revenge. “Liberals, Greens and Communists threaten with the Article 7 procedure, but they were not successful in launching it. The Socialists initiated a new debate on Hungary in the Parliament. All of this is because we say openly that not everyone can be accepted. They wish to express their anger in another rampage in the European Parliament, while, for the realistic management of the migration crisis we are still lacking an EU playbook,” she warned.