
“Keytime” – an interview with Kinga Gál

“Keytime” – an interview with Kinga Gál

2011. 01. 26.

"With the EU there is no inside or outside. I was elected by Hungarian citizens in order to represent Hungarian interests and to report back about EU issues at home. I act as a connection." – said Kinga Gál (Fidesz -EPP)in the newly published book. Prooving her connecting role she spoke about the last plenary session in Strasbourg which Prime Minister Viktor Orbán also attended as part of the 2011 Hungarian EU Presidency.
Those present at the launch were able to get first hand information on what was going on in Strasbourg, for example, the latest news about the Hungarian media law and the plans and priorities of the Hungarian Presidency.
The second part of the discussion was more personal with Kinga Gál speaking about her family, job, career and politics. She said, that it was never a question of how to accommodate the different roles: "First of all I am a mother, and I am able make it work with my job. I am lucky, because my job is my vocation".