2010. 11. 18.
Some of participants were the winners of the 19th International Hungarian Mathematic Competition and their tutors who were offered MEPs Kinga Gál, Csaba Sógor and Alajos Mészáros this trip. By offering the trip as a prize, the MEPs underlined the importance of studying natural sciences by young adults.
The second group consisted of the volunteers of the Hungarian Rákóczi Foundation who were invited to the Parliament by MEP Kinga Gál. The main programme of the Foundation is organized yearly for 135 students coming from 5 Central-Eastern European countries called Students without Boundaries. This Programmed won the first European Youth Charlemagne Prize in 2008. Beside this programme, the foundation grants scholarships for talented university students coming from a difficult social background, sponsors a programme providing hot meal for poor high school students and organises several training, conferences and seminars for young adults.
While being for two days in Brussels, the participants had the chance to visit the European Parliament and meet MEPs Edit Bauer, László Tőkés, Csaba Sógor and Alajos Mészáros beside the ones they were invited by. Ms Kinga Gál with reference to the Hungarian minority said that their problems and objectives need to be interpreted in the new European context so that they become clear and easily understandable for everyone in order to be solved.
In the afternoon there was a short sightseeing followed by a surprise programme where they had the opportunity to taste the real Belgian chocolate.