EP Resolution on Climate Change: Central and Eastern European contributions are not respected
2012. 11. 22.
MEPs think that the resolution does not take into account the former contributions of several Central and Eastern European Member States that have fulfilled their emission reduction commitments under the Kyoto Protocol contributing to an average decrease of CO2 emission of the EU27 and thus helping the EU to lead the way in combating climate change.
As a result, these countries now hold hundreds of million tonnes of Assigned Amount Units (AAU) that could be carried-over and used in the second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol and thus qualify as significant national assets for the states concerned.
The resolution would, however, go against this legally binding commitment and deprive these countries of their above right to carry-over and use their surplus AAUs laid down in an international agreement. Many EPP Group Members of Central and Eastern European Member States believe that thisisunacceptable. It is also important to highlight that the revenues from the sale of these surpluses would serve as the main essential funding for investments to a cleaner and greener economy in these countries. Therefore, the deletion of these amounts would also eliminate the possibility of a smooth transition into a lower emmission based economy. Furthermore, it would also imply that the EU punishes the overachievement of climate goals. This is against the interest of the EU as a whole in tackling climate change.
The MEPs stressed that the right to carry-over should be preserved and expressed their support for the compromise achieved in the Council Conclusions of the 25 October 2012 Environment Council that proposes to agree a solution that also maintains an ambitious level of environmental integrity.
MEPs warned that without finding a satisfactory solution to this issue, the EU will not speak with one voice, and this would undermine the credibility of the EU and would jeopardize its negotiating position in Doha.
Background: EPP Group MEPs from Central-Eastern European countries: Erik Bánki on behalf of the Hungarian EPP Delegation, Kārlis Šadurskis(Latvia); Andrey Kovatchev, Vladimir Urutchev (Bulgaria) Anna Zaborska, Miroslav Mikolasik, Alajos Mészáros (Slovakia), Zuzana Roithova (Czech Republic).