Double standards: the European left cannot be bothered by politics inciting aggression and infringing human dignity
2013. 10. 07.
‘Certain colleagues are loud in voicing their concerns over alleged infringements of human dignity, only if their political interest dictates so. But I have not heard any of them deploring the recent event, organised by the Hungarian left, which infringed the human dignity of the Hungarian (EPP) prime minister' – started her remarks Kinga Gál MEP.
The MEP pointed out that as a part of a political stunt, assisted by the former socialist prime minister of Hungary, Gordon Bajnai, a mock polystyrene statue to Viktor Orbán was torndown. Thereafter, supporters of Gordon Bajnai decapitated the statue and its parts were dragged through the city, stabbed and chopped into pieces. This infinitely primitive, unprincipled action, which incites aggression and which is not compatible with politics in Europe, would certainly merit some condemning words. It would be welcome from those colleagues as well who, at other times, are so eagerly voicing their concerns for alleged wrongdoings demanding the upholding of the right for human dignity’ – declared Kinga Gál MEP.
‘I wonder why my honourable colleagues from the left and the liberals are not distancing themselves from the politics of the left, so aggressive and radical, and from those carrying out this type of politics. Politics cannot get any lower than this’ – declared Kinga Gál, MEP from Fidesz.
In connection to the case, Kinga Gál MEP highlighted: its hypocrisy at its pinnacle that whilst the European left voices its concerns at the most minuscule cases of right violations under EPP governments, it cannot be bothered by the latest deplorable actsinciting aggression and infringing human dignity, assisted by Gordon Bajnai.