
Debate on the special report concerning FRONTEX

Debate on the special report concerning FRONTEX

2015. 12. 02.

I commend the excellent work that Frontex is doing, with its highly qualified staff, in particular the support Frontex provides towards Member States at the EU's external borders in coordinating the mass influx of migrants during the current migration crisis. The work done by Frontex should not be underestimated.
We should underline the proactive approach and the measures taken by Frontex with regard to the complaints mechanism. However, we have to acknowledge that disciplinary measures against national law enforcement officers participating in Frontex operations remain exclusively under Member State competence and that Frontex has no competence in initiating disciplinary measures against other persons – apart of its personnel -, since Frontex has only a coordination function.
I wish to reiterate that Frontex is one of our best agencies and that the people who work for Frontex are of the highest integrity. In order that this EU Agency should carry out its duties in the most effective and professional way, Member States and the European Commission should provide Frontex with the necessary additional resources to be allocated for handling its crucial mandate and additional resources to handle the complaints received.