2013. 04. 08.
Based on an EP-resolution adopted last year, the LIBE Committee prepares a report on the state of democracy and the rule of law in Hungary. The working document raises serious concerns in connection with two amendments to the Fundamental Law: the restriction of the scrutiny of the Constitutional Court to formal and procedural aspects, as well as the fact that the fourth amendment to the Constitution renders all previous rulings of the Constitutional Court void. During the debate in the LIBE Committee, HU MEP Ágnes HANKISS (EPP) criticized the fact-finding mission of the LIBE Committee in Budapest last autumn, and said that the EP delegation had talks with personalities that are no "legitimate representatives" of Hungarian society. MEP HANKISS mentioned that the incumbent Hungarian government is accused of racism although the Fundamental Law guarantees stronger protection then ever against hate speech. HU MEP Kinga GÖNCZ (S&D) voiced concerns that although the ban on hate speech has been drawn up against the Hungarian people but it is difficult to define who is described with the term "Hungarian people". MEP Frank ENGEL (EPP) claimed that the two-thirds majority of FIDESZ (EPP) "poisons the atmosphere". HU MEP Kinga GÁL (EPP), Vice-Chair of the LIBE Committee said that she would like to see factual examples for the violation of fundamental rights in Hungary. In her opinion, the reason why the government was elected by two-thirds majority is that voters had the impression that neither the EU, nor the European Commission had previously taken steps against severe violation of law. HU MEP Lívia JÁRÓKA (EPP) called it outrageous that it is the Hungarian government in the EU which takes the most measures for the interest of Roma, however, this government has to face attacks. Rapporteur MEP Rui TAVARES said that the protection of fundamental rights should be expanded to the whole European Union and a "Copenhagen Commission" should be created. MEP TAVARES indicated that the discussion of the final draft report is expected at the beginning of May, final vote will probably be scheduled after the summer break.