Roma: First meeting of the Working Group on Roma inclusion. Lívia Járóka MEP 2010. 09. 29. The EPP Group's Working Group on Roma inclusion held its first meeting today under the chairmanship of Lívia Járóka MEP. The members adopted the working agenda of the Working Group and agreed to present specific policy recommendations for the European Parliament regarding the European Roma Strategy.
Roma: combating racism and eliminating discrimination alone is not enough for social inclusion. Lívia Járóka MEP 2010. 09. 28. Lívia Járóka MEP presented the working document of her Report on the EU strategy on the social inclusion of the Roma today to the European Parliament. The document points out that the social exclusion of European Roma is not exclusively defined by discrimination, but also by the interaction of several historic and economic factors and that a strategy aiming to remedy this exclusion must define its target audience by economic attributes instead of ethnicity.
Intergroup meets with Rainer Hofmann, chief of the FCNM Advisory Committee 2010. 09. 23. The Intergroup for Traditional Minorities, National Communities and Languages, chaired by Kinga Gál (Fidesz-EPP), met yesterday in Strasbourg with the chief of the advisory committee of the Council of Europe’s Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, Professor Rainer Hofmann. In addition the Intergroup heard from the FCNM Secretariat’s head, Ms Michele Akip.
Roma: Hungarian Presidency to launch European Roma Strategy. Lívia Járóka MEP 2010. 09. 23. The European Parliament held a debate today on the conclusions of the European Council meeting of 16 September. Lívia Járóka MEP welcomed the Hungarian Government's statement on launching a European Roma Strategy during the Hungarian Presidency and called for an action plan based on economic attributes instead of ethnicity.
Failures in the protection of human rights and justice in the Democratic Republic of Congo 2010. 09. 22. During the last months in the Democratic Republic of Congo the incidences of rape and child abuse have multiplied despite the presence of UN forces. Kinga Gál MEP spoke out against this crime at the Plenary Session of EP.
Roma: Expulsions should not be based on ethnicity. Lívia Járóka MEP 2010. 09. 15. "Regarding the latest developments of the situation of Roma immigrants in France, it seems that despite the clear refusal of specifically targeting any ethnic group, announced several times by several members of the French government, the dismantling of illegal camps and the expulsions were clearly and mainly aimed at Roma immigrants.
Kinga Gál meets former Cuban revolutionary general Huber Matos 2010. 09. 15. Huber Matos, a former Cuban revolutionary, met Kinga Gál in her capacity as member of subcommittee on Human Rights on September 15th, 2010. During the week many Cuban political prisoners that live in forced exile visited the European Parliament.
The Roma issue should not be abused for political purposes. Lívia Járóka MEP 2010. 09. 07. MEP Lívia Járóka (EPP Group) called for a common European strategy on Roma inclusion and, as the only representative of the Roma community within the EP, denounced the political misuse and misinterpretation of Roma issues.
Cornerstones of the EU’s counter-terrorism strategy – By AGNES HANKISS, MEP 2010. 07. 19. EP TODAY - Effective counter-terrorism is one of the main priorities of the European Union\'s recently adopted internal security strategy based on the Stockholm Programme. The EU Counter-terrorism Action Plan is the main point of reference as it defines the guidelines, operational, structural and legislative cornerstones for the member states. These constitute the base on which member states can build counter-terrorism models fit to their national parameters.