Hungarian Presidency: confidence in the Orbán Government. Joseph Daul MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group 2011. 01. 19. "Rarely has the Presidency of the Council of Ministers been faced with so many challenges - the Euro, growth and employment, energy independence and security of food supply - while commodity prices are increasing at an alarming rate", said Joseph Daul MEP, commenting on the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency during a debate with Viktor Orbán and José Manuel Barroso.
Hungary: EPP Group rejects politically motivated accusations on the Media Act. Joseph Daul MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group 2011. 01. 12. "The EPP Group in the European Parliament reaffirms its strong commitment to the protection of freedoms and rights, including the freedom of press. At the same time, it rejects all politically motivated accusations against the Hungarian government. The Commission is, rightfully, analysing the conformity of this law to the European legislation. The EPP Group is confident that, should some elements of the Media law have to be changed, Hungary would do so, as Prime Minister Orbán had already declared", said Joseph Daul, Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament.
Freedom and diversity of opinion according to European liberals – Discrimination against the Hungarian government 2011. 01. 11. Press Release by the Hungarian EPP Group Delegation. - The liberal group in the European Parliament seriously breached the principles of freedom of opinion and thought today at their public hearing on the Hungarian Media Act. Despite repeated official requests from the Hungarian Government, the liberal group rejected the equal and fair participation of its representative. This treatment is derogatory for Hungary and in conflict with the spirit of the European Parliament and the EU.
The aim of unfounded accusations of political origin is to degrade Hungary and the EU Presidency 2011. 01. 10. Press Release by the Hungarian EPP Delegation - The Hungarian EPP Delegation in the European Parliament rejects all the unfounded accusations of the Hungarian Media Act which have originated from a lack of information and political malice. We especially reject accusations offending such provisions of the Act which already exist in other Member States' media regulations. The unfounded accusations of political origin, through degrading the Hungarian EU Presidency, cause damage to the European Union itself. Therefore, we call upon the socialist, liberal, green and communist groups in the European Parliament to cease the political scandalisation.
2011: Challenging year for Europe. Central Europe must show strong leadership. 2011. 01. 03. Joseph Daul MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group - "2011 will be another challenging year for Europe. Economic recovery is still not established, and due to the high public deficits, the eurozone is still in some difficulty. Under these circumstances, not only solidarity, but strong leadership and efficient management are essential for Europe in 2011. I am confident that the two upcoming Presidencies of the EU Council of Ministers, held by Hungary and Poland, will prove their leadership skills and get the EU back on track", said Joseph Daul, welcoming the start of the first-ever Hungarian EU Presidency.
CONTROLLING THE COMMISSION’S EXERCISE OF IMPLEMENTING POWERS 2010. 12. 17. A new mechanism for controlling the Commission's exercise of implementing powers, which guarantees Parliament's right of scrutiny over draft measures and obliges the Commission to review them, was approved by Parliament on Thursday. It should enter into force on 1 March 2011.
Minority Intergroup meets with academics from the European Yearbook on Minority Issues 2010. 12. 17. The Intergroup for Traditional Minorities, National Communities and Languages met with a delegation from European Yearbook on Minority Issues (EYMI), the European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) Flensburg, and the European Academy (EURAC) Bozen (Bolzano) last week (16th December).
Fundamental rights: a need for a more transparent and citizen-friendly system 2010. 12. 15. "A more transparent, user-friendly and effective functioning system in the protection of European fundamental rights should be established to cope better with the expectations of EU citizens", declared Kinga Gál MEP as the European Parliament adopted with an overwhelming majority its Annual Report on Fundamental Rights. The Report, tabled by Ms Gál, focuses on the situation of fundamental rights in the new post-Lisbon era and aims to improve synergy among the Institutions and mechanisms in the field of fundamental rights protection. Furthermore, it aims to place European citizens at the centre of the new fundamental rights architecture.
EP Committee debates Roma Strategy report 2010. 12. 10. The Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee of the European Parliament discussed the draft report of MEP Lívia Járóka on the EU strategy on Roma inclusion. After presenting the main recommendations of the document, the representatives of all EP's major political groups proclaimed their support.