Caste-based discrimination 2013. 10. 10. A new report in the field of human rights protection was voted today during the plenary session of the EP. Ms Kinga Gál MEP submitted an explanatory note to the report in which she emphasized the vulnerable situation of women and girls facing caste-based discrimination.
National strategies must better involve, target and protect Roma 2013. 10. 09. The European Parliament held a debate in Strasbourg on the situation of Roma. EPP Group MEP Lívia Járóka reminded that only a fraction of Roma inclusion assets had reached their target group and that the Western European countries have also failed to solve the social problems aroused by immigration. She therefore urged the implementation of the EU Framework Strategy, as an action plan embraced through the entire continent and across the political divide.
EU-China bilateral investment agreement – the situation of Tibet 2013. 10. 09. Today the plenary of the EP voted on a report regarding the EU-China bilateral investment agreement. After the vote took place, Ms Kinga Gál MEP stated that when it comes to issues related to China it should be always paid special attention to the situation in Tibet. Fast-track economic development cannot be considered above cultural protection, a sustainable development strategy is needed for the region.
Corruption in Third Countries 2013. 10. 08. On 8th October 2013 a report entitled 'Corruption in the public and private sectors: the impact on human rights in third countries' was voted with great majority. In a written statement Ms Kinga Gál MEP emphasized the importance of education in fighting corruption.
‘Our Values – European Values’ – Central European Youth Conference 2013. 10. 07. Between the 4-6 October 2013 a Central European Youth Conference entitled 'Our Values - European Values' took place at Válaszút, Transylvania.
Double standards: the European left cannot be bothered by politics inciting aggression and infringing human dignity 2013. 10. 07. In her one-minute speech Kinga Gál MEP during the Plenary Session in Strasbourg pointed out the blatant double standards used by the European left. Whilst the European left voices its concerns at the most minuscule cases of alleged right violations under EPP governments, it cannot be bothered by the latest deplorable acts inciting aggression and infringing human dignity, assisted by Gordon Bajnai.
Strengthening the social dimension of the Economic and Monetary Union. Balance between EU and Member States shall be ensured 2013. 10. 02. The European Commission adopted a Communication today on strengthening the social dimension of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). “The EPP Group welcomes the Commission's initiative on deepening the EMU in the social dimension, to better monitor employment and social developments. However, it should be noted that the general social agenda remains at the level of the EU28, and it should not be moved to the narrower context of the EMU. We have to fully respect national competences”, said Csaba Őry MEP, EPP Group Coordinator in the Employment and Social Affairs Committee of the European Parliament.
Difficult children? No! Children with specific learning difficulties! – Commission takes action 2013. 10. 02. EPP Group MEP Ádám Kósa hosted a conference on dyslexia today in the European Parliament together with the European Dyslexia Association (EDA). The conference covered several aspects of the problems that pupils and students in Europe encounter when they have Specific Learning Difficulties, such as dyslexia, dyspraxia or co-ordination disorder, attention deficit, hyperactivity, dyscalculia, autistic spectrum disorder, specific language impairment or behaviour, emotional and social difficulties. In Europe about 45 million children suffer from at least one of the above learning difficulties which often remain unidentified and thus unsupported. The Commission will launch a new platform aiming at improving literacy.
European Left rejects equal treatment in anti-discrimination legislation in employment policy 2013. 09. 26. Today, the Left-wing parties of the European Parliament rejected a proposal by Ádám Kósa MEP aiming to balance out anti-discrimination legislation and to promote equal opportunities in the field of employment policy. His Report aimed at placing equal importance on several discriminated groups. “It is hypocritical that the European Left does not intend to step up for several highly discriminated groups, including people with different beliefs and faiths, the elderly as well as people with different disabilities. The double standards of the Left-wing parties are unacceptable”, said Ádám Kósa MEP and Csaba Őry MEP, EPP Group Spokesman on employment policy.