Joseph Daul az Európai Néppárt új elnöke 2013. 11. 13. A francia Joseph Dault, a párt európai parlamenti (EP-) frakciójának vezetőjét választották meg kedden a múlt hónapban meghalt Wilfried Martens utódául az Európai Néppárt élére.
One million European children looking for home 2013. 11. 06. MEP Ádám Kósa (Fidesz) hosted a conference today in the European Parliament on the tragedies and depressing human rights issues of children living in overcrowded institutions. The conference took place just two weeks before the new Structural Fund Regulations will be tabled in the European Parliament, whose proposals – among others – aim to replace these obsolete institutions by community based services. As was revealed on the debate, only a minor part of children living in such facilities are actually orphans.
Roma Dignity centre opened in Brussels 2013. 11. 05. Research organization Yahad in Unum opened its 'Roma Dignity Centre' yesterday in Brussels with the cooperation of EPP Group MEP Lívia Járóka (Fidesz). In her speech at the opening ceremony Járóka highlighted the necessity of remembrance and drawing the lessons of history and commended the organization's work in researching and publicizing the atrocities against Roma.
Plenary vote on drug-precursors 2013. 10. 23. Today the plenary session of the EP has voted on the report on drug precursors. Kinga Gál MEP in her explanation of vote underlined the importance of this report and stated that 'we have had international rules concerning the chemical substances used in the production of illegal substances but drug-traffickers thus far have been successful in creatively categorizing their substances into legal commercial categories.'
Plenary debate on e-justice 2013. 10. 22. At this week's plenary session, the European Council delivered a statement on the e-Justice Action Plan 2014-2018. In the following debates, Kinga Gál MEP addressed the issue on behalf of the EPP Group.
“Every Hungarian MEP has a duty to support Budapest’s bid for the seat of CEPOL” 2013. 10. 17. The council unanimously decided to recommend Budapest as the seat of the European Police College (CEPOL). 'We deem it unacceptable that Rui Tavares and Kinga Göncz yet again attacked the Hungarian Government in this debate concerning Hungary's interests' - emphasised Kinga Gál during the meeting of the Committee on Justice, Civil Liberties and Home Affairs (LIBE), in Brussels.
Report of MEP Lívia Járóka adopted with and overwhelming majority 2013. 10. 16. “The EU Framework of National Roma Inclusion Strategies fails to place proper emphasis on the situation of Roma women, Europe's most vulnerable group, despite the pivotal role they might play in strengthening their marginalized communities and in fostering progress” – pointed out MEP Lívia Járóka (Fidesz) following the adoption of her report on the situation of Roma women by overwhelming majority in the European Parliament's Committee on Gender Equality and Women's Rights.
Roma people are more exposed to trafficking and exploitation 2013. 10. 16. EPP Group MEP Lívia Járóka held a discussion with Cecilia Malmström, Commissioner for Home Affairs on the rapidly expanding problem of human trafficking and exploitation, and the increased vulnerability of Roma communities.
Human rights high on the agenda of the plenary session 2013. 10. 10. There were several human rights related topics on the agenda of the first October plenary session of the European Parliament. Kinga Gál MEP submitted written statements to several reports on topics ranging from corruption in third countries, caste-based discrimination to human rights in China.