We Cannot Remain Silent While Watching the Most Terrible Human Rights Violations 2015. 03. 12. At the March plenary meeting, human rights were in the spotlight in the European Parliament. The EP passed a resolution co-signed by myself, urging steps against online sexual abuse of children. In the afternoon, we debated the annual human rights report of the EP, addressing a number of challenging human rights issues, urgent matters that call for EU-level response.
Relations between the EU and the League of Arab States and cooperation in countering terrorism 2015. 03. 12. The European Parliament has a debate on the issue of cooperation in countering terrorism with the League of Arab States. Kinga Gál has made a written comment as follows.
Debate in Parliament on the report on Serbia 2015. 03. 10. Several amendments have been submitted successfully by Kinga Gál and are now part of David McAllister’s report on Serbia’s EU accession 2014. Following the parliamentary debate, Kinga Gál submitted this written statement.
It’s Time to Strengthen the EU’s Cohesion Policy 2015. 03. 05. Structural Funds have contributed significantly to job creation, job market reintegration and social inclusion and proved exceptionally useful during the economic crisis. Now, with the Sixth Cohesion Report entitled "Investment for jobs and growth: promoting economic, social and territorial cohesion in the Union," there is a chance to strengthen and renew cohesion policy. [Blog post by MEP Tamás Deutsch]
In order to maintain the borderless EU, its external borders need to be strengthened 2015. 03. 04. Today the EPP Group organised a hearing on asylum and migration. Kinga Gál MEP (FIDESZ-EPP), Vice-Chair of the LIBE Committee, underlined the timeliness to talk about questions related to migration and the need for a more effective asylum policy.
European Citizens’ Initiative: a keystone of democracy at risk 2015. 02. 26. European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) is a keystone of participative democracy, but the shortfalls in its implementation and in its follow up, can waste its potential insisted Danuta Hübner and György Schöpflin during today's hearing on the European Citizens' Initiative. The meeting made it possible to look at these issues in depth and will formulate the ideas by which future developments will be guided.
European Parliament says yes to the new CEPOL regulation 2015. 02. 24. Today, the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee of the European Parliament voted in favor of the report on the European Law Enforcement Training Agency (CEPOL) new regulation by a large majority. Kinga Gál, Parliament's rapporteur, expressed her satisfaction that the European police training will be more effective by the new legislation and also that the Agency’s seat was confirmed in Budapest .
No, Let’s Really Get Rid of Roaming Fees 2015. 02. 18. Roaming fees were on their way out in 2015. Now, it seems like some are trying to back out of the plan. Let’s not go back. Let’s get rid of the roaming fees as we promised our citizens. [Blog post by MEPs Dr. Ildikó Pelczné Gáll and András Gyürk]
Illegal Immigration Must Be Stopped 2015. 02. 13. We need a frank debate on the issue as illegal immigration poses a problem today. Failing to confront the problem and postponing honest discussion of the possible solutions means that it will likely only get worse before it gets better. [Blog post by MEP Kinga Gál]