
A fair trial for Előd Tóásó!

A fair trial for Előd Tóásó!

2013. 11. 21.

From the beginning of the case, Kinga Gál MEP has been a vocal advocate of the most fundamental human rights and the right for a fair trial for Mr Előd Tóásó. She has submitted numerous written questions on the subject to the European External Action Service (EEAS), she has raised the issue within the Subcommittee on Human Rights of the EP, and she has been conducting meetings with experts on the highest level. In June 2012 she organised a public hearing in Brussels with the participation of Ms Edit Dénes, sister of Előd Tóásó. As a result of these tireless efforts the European Parliament has endorsed to debate the issue on the highest possible, plenary level and to adopt a resolution on the case.
In today’s plenary debate, as the author of the resolution, Kinga Gál stressed that ‘the presumption of innocence and the right for a fair trial are enshrined amongst the most fundamental human rights. Mr Előd Tóásó and Mr Mario Tadic, both EU citizens, have been arbitrary detained now for more than four years in Bolivia amidst a continuous disrespect for international norms of human rights. Moreover, Bolivia has been disregarding its own laws on the possible maximum time for pre-trial detention.’ The MEP from Fidesz has urged the Bolivian authorities to immediately release Mr Tóásó and to respect the universally recognised norms of human rights.
At the end of the debate the resolution, submitted jointly by four political groups of the EP, was adopted, making it the second official statement issued by an international body on the subject after the opinion given by the UN Working Group for Arbitrary Detention. At the same time the matter at hand is under consideration by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, whilst the EEAS is keeping the issue on the highest levels of diplomatic agenda in its conduct with Bolivia. ‘I sincerely hope that such multifaceted international pressure will yield some positive steps in the case of Mr Tóásó. So that he can defend himself freely against the accusations, and that there will be an independent and fair trial process in his case’ – affirmed Kinga Gál MEP.