A review of the failed Brussels sanctions policy and a new approach would finally be necessary
2023. 01. 18.
Today, the European Parliament discussed the conclusions of the European Council meeting on December 15, 2022. MEP Kinga Gál, the president of the Fidesz European Parliament Delegation, emphasized in connection with the debate: “A review of the failed sanctions policy and a new approach would finally be necessary. We will not let the Hungarian people pay the price for the wrong decisions and political games in Brussels.”
At the first plenary meeting of the year, the evaluation of the December 2022 European Summit took place. All signs indicate that this year will not be any easier for Europe than the last one. The Russian-Ukrainian war is not abating, the pressure of illegal migration is increasing, while the energy crisis is raging in Europe and the majority of European economies are rapidly moving towards recession.
Kinga Gál noted: “In the past period, unfortunately, we have become accustomed to the fact that Brussels often does not find the right answers in crisis situations. The failed sanctions policy, on the other hand, has even more serious consequences than before. A review of the wrong decisions and a new approach would finally be necessary. However, the lessons learned from the December Council meeting point in the opposite direction in many ways: the sanctions policy was strengthened, the EU gas cap got the green light, while no progress has been made on key strategic issues.”
The summit was overshadowed by the Brussels corruption case, in connection with which skeletons have been falling out of the closet one after the other ever since. “We think that Brussels has lost all credibility to hold others accountable for corruption,” Kinga Gál stressed. She pointed out: “it has been repeatedly proven that the European mainstream does not tolerate dissent, and wants to bring to its knees those Member States that stand up for their national interests – most recently, for example, with their attempts to abolish unanimous decision-making.” “Member States with less economic power and who also believe in strong nations, cannot give in to this political pressure.” – explained the MEP of Fidesz.